232 surfers on the start line in Nessebar, Bulgaria
[2004-08-03 22:48:46 bg-sail.org] | :7807

232 competitors started in Aloha, Mistral and Raceboard classes on the Junor Windsurfing Worlds that are taking place in Nessebar, Bulgaria. According to the official statistics of IWA this is a record number of competitors on such event. The youngest surfers in Aloha and Mistral Junior had 2 races while in Mistral Youth and Racebord only 1 race took place.
Changing wind and changing weather conditions put the race committee into trouble, but finaly a race distance was set. The winds were changing from SW to E with speed from 3 to 6 m/s and at the end a small squall interupted the races.
The regatta was opened in Tuesday by the president of IWA Peter Krimbacher (AUT) and the President of Bulgarian Sailing Federation Kamen Fillyov in the ancient theatre near the harbour. Before that all the competitors were welcomed on the gates of the town by the mayor. The whole procession walked along the streets to the theatre. After the official speeches the sky above Nessebar was studded with fireworks. The guests and officials declared that this was the best opening ceremony of windsurfing world championships till the moment.

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